Hello to all Ursa Minor Cottage Enthusiasts,
First of all, we would like to thank all of the awesome guests we had in 2015. You took wonderful care of the cottage and it sounds like many great times were had.
So it’s that time of year again- the time to book your reservation. I’ve put these details first. After that I’ve included interesting tidbits about our lake and the area.
Rental Cost for the Cottage this year is:
Summer Per Week: $800 from Sunday at 5pm – the next Sunday at 12pm.
To reserve and confirm a place we ask for 1/2 of the rental, $400. And the balance 3 weeks before your stay.
$250 weekend rental, up to 3 days in the Spring and Fall
For your pleasure at the cottage we have: Kayaks, rowboat, firepit and grill, fireplace, furnace, fantastic beds, cell phone reception, full kitchen, etc.
Of course, the most spectacular part of the cottage is that it is located within the Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore, http://www.nps.gov/slbe/index.htm
where you can enjoy:
35 miles of white sand Lake Michigan beaches
21 inland Lakes within the Park boundary
100 miles of trails
Across the street from us is a trail taking you to a secluded spot on Lake Michigan
Bike trails
Ranger talks and walks
New within the park:
Bike/hiking trail from the D.H. Campground near Glen Haven to the town of Empire
The park is currently working on a Bay to Bay Trail from one end of the Park to the other, from Platte Bay to Good Harbor Bay
write to ursaminorcottage@comcast.net or call 734 665 2397
That is the name of the special Lake above which Ursa Minor perches. It is about 1 mile long and is great for kayaking, boating, and fishing. Recently, in response to low lake levels we created a Long Lake Association. Since then the Lake has returned to above average levels, due to a number of years with heavy snow. Whew! Water levels are now being measured yearly. Since the Association was created, residents are able to share more information with each other, some which I would like to pass onto you. Fishing: the lake is now being stocked with blue gil, perch and northern pike. Check local information about fishing regulations. Water Testing: we conduct an e-coli test every year and this years measurements are considered very safe., we measure dissolved O2 which is an important indicator of fish survival-our levels are found to be consistent with other lakes in the area-more testing needed for conclusions, water clarity is good. So our lake has very clean water and is in very good health. Invasive Species of plants: our lake association has identified all the invasive species along the lake front and implemented a 3 year removal plan. Now we just monitor to make sure they don’t reappear. Wildlife: bears, deer, coyotes, otters, beavers, porcupines, turtles, loons, sandhill cranes, Canadian geese, buffle head ducks, wood ducks, mergansers, pileated woodpeckers, every type of Michigan song bird, owls and more have all been spotted in or along our lake. We have our very own Loon Ranger” on Long Lake. This is a real position within the DNR’s LoonWatch program. To learn more about the organization http://www.michiganloons.com/loonwatch.html Here is what we have learned from her. Loons can’t walk well on land because their legs are set back for swimming. Their flimsy nests rest precariously at the very edge of the waters and can easily be washed away or raided. The loons won’t defend their nest and will move if a person comes by. If their eggs are left unattended by their parents for 45 minutes or less depending on the sun, they will die. They lay 2 eggs and it is almost a miracle if the chicks hatch, which is why they are considered endangered. There are then many dangers for the chicks when they hatch: turtles, eagles, boats. So what can we do? If you observe a loon or its nest, please keep a safe (for the loons) distance. The chicks hatch in late May and by the end of summer they look like a medium sized brown duck. I personally saw 2 loons hatch on Rush lake, which was an amazing sight. Just happened to be there at the exact right time. Parents continue feeding the young loons and they can’t fly or dive so they are very vulnerable. Often they will nest on nearby Rush Lake, which is quiet and then feed on our lake. By late summer the grown-ups will have encouraged their offspring to fly over to our lake to feed. The Loon Ranger was sitting in her kayak last September and two loons swam close enough to her that she could see them clearly without binoculars. At that time they had their mating colors and were just about to migrate. Other wildlife observed by the Loon Ranger, who you might have guessed is a year round resident: 3 coyotes playing on the winter ice, an otter running in front of her house with the characteristic run, slide, run, slide tracks, too many deer to count, a bear. So for wildlife viewing you have come to a wonderful place.
Enjoy the local towns of Frankfort, Elberta, Beulah, Honor, Empire, Glen Arbor, Glen Haven.
Each town has its unique character. See the extensive info we have about these towns and activities in the area. Golfing, fishing, paddle boarding, bike rentals, surfing all nearby.
I recommend that you check out Bob Sutherland’s blog of Cherry Republic fame, which entertains with fantastic pictures, information and stories of the Glen Arbor Area. Just 20 minutes North of Ursa Minor.
We’re looking forward again to 3 wonderful Seasons at Ursa Minor. Hope you are able to join us.
write to ursaminorcottage@comcast.net or call 734 665 2397
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